tpgsoldier wrote:
KaneKitty wrote:
2.0 combat will be macro bars, global cooldowns, auto-attacks, and regenerating resource bars. Think WoW combat (or standard MMORPG combat) with the occasional party-wide limit break and you have FFXIV's system. Anything about the actual functionality of 2.0 is covered still by a non-disclosure agreement and can't be discussed (on Zam) -- I think that covers it. :)
Edited, Apr 2nd 2013 7:06pm by KaneKitty
If they can get it down(without the clunky feel) I may have to give this game a second try :)
You mean without the weird "active" stance thing, and without abilities resetting the auto-attack speed?
Yeah, those things should be covered.
I think you posed your question poorly, which incited the gut reaction of "defend the game!" but I understood what you meant. It's not auto-attack OP hates, but the poor and tacked on implementation in 1.0. (Which I felt got better once I tamed the beast, but was immediately awkward and clunky)
Combat systems are undergoing drastic and complete overhauls throughout the beta, so it's unfair to judge now (via videos or through shadier forums with nda leaks.)
Nothing is solid until Phase 4, as others have said. Just have to wait.
Edited, Apr 3rd 2013 12:43pm by Louiscool