I agree completely that FF is mainly known for its compeling story. I also agree that every ff to this point has been able to stand on its own two feet with its story. In a sense though, FFXIV ARR is its own story because it uses different elements but all together all the while incorporating its own originality. But I guess what I want to know is.. WHY NOT use some elements from past installments? If those elements were such a success for the original FFs, why not take those successful elements and build something further with them but in a unity? Why hit players new to ff and new to an ff MMO with a mediocre ff feel of just moogles and chocos etc. Why not hit them full force with staple structures like Meteor and crystal tower and huge landmarks of old school success?? lol.. Those very things create a sense of nostalgia for the ff fan base and gives a peep show to new comers of some of the things that made FF the forefront of epicness RPGness! Some have said XIV is a copy and paste.. Well, someone could also make the argument that if XIV is a copy and paste then so are ALL of the installments to an extent.. They all have moogles chocobos airships etc etc.. all of them cary over something.. Well, so does ffxiv right along with them. Just to a more noticable scale (MMO ARR itself being a larger scale game compared to a regualr ff). But they use those SAME elements in a different way. Just as the former ffs did. Smaller ff game smaller copy and paste bigger ff game bigger copy and paste! LOL!! jk jk. But hey, who knows, this could all just be a ploy of SE to sublimally get players who havnt played regular ffs to go back and buy old ffs just to see all the old elements in their actual original settings!
I do have to say though that I think people keep forgeting that ARR is aimed at gathering many types of gamers.. You have the FF fan that buys anything ff just because its ff, you have the WOW type MMO player, the casual gamer and the hardcore gamer just to name a few. Think about the content that has been mentioned so far.. There are easy quests/raids etc and harder ones such as crystal tower.. You have meteor/golden saucer/crystal tower moogles etc etc which give the nostalgia to the ff fan. The quicker paced fighting (possibly a quicker level progression) for the wow player. Hard content (crystal tower) for the hardcore player. Repeatable quests of go kill this etc for the casual easy going player... ARR is built to satisfy and caiter to so many different types of players. Its not just aimed at one particular group. So I dont believe that ARR can be successfull just having a excellent story or just having excellent gamplay.. Its a combination of both plus at the same time they only have so long to get all this done before the deadline of release because if it is not released soon fans and gamers and SE top dogs are going to be angry lol. So it goes without saying that there will and wont be things satisfying about ARR depending on the type of player you are. (Which by the way I think its kinda cool they added the ability to select the difficulty of quests etc.)
I know some may not agree with me.. And many different points can be argued all day long.. But (and not to be a white knight) but honestly I think that each and everyone of us should be gracious towards ARR and SE as a whole because (maybe not all of theirgames were great games but..) they HAVE given us great games, we are all human and so are they we make mistakes so it goes without saying that a company full of humans will make mistakes and have shortcoming lol.. While I am sure ARR is going to have unsatisfying things that players wont like wether it be to hard, to easy, to much story, etc etc.. Keep in mind no game is perfect they all have highs and lows. Plus when looking back at where SE has come from.. They always come back for a major win after a major fail! So while some of you or most of you may be pessimistic about the game because of its terrible launch I have high hopes that this game is going to rock the MMO industry as a whole and as a whole be an outstanding game that will be hard to compete with. ARR will make it! Give it another shot.. (-: