Archmage Callinon wrote:
Ever get the feeling that the rules for this discussion are changing every time anyone adds actual data?
In the end though, it doesn't matter what quantity of content ARR launches with as long as it's "enough."
"Enough" is a highly subjective term which will be open to individual interpretation. No matter how much content they launch with, for about half of the audience it'll seem overwhelming, and for about the other half of the audience it'll seem like it wasn't nearly enough.
Quantity in this scenario becomes a meaningless measurement. What matters more is that the content on release be enjoyable and repeatable. The content has to last until the first major content patch, wherein we begin the cycle anew up to the first expansion where we start over. This is how MMOs work.
It doesn't matter if FFXIV at launch has 52 instances or 12. It doesn't matter if it has 8700 quests or 1200 quests. It matters that the experience be an enjoyable one and that it's repeatable long enough for them to put out more. Rinse, repeat.
Yeah numbers don't matter, but 'enough' content and a solid connection with the world and characters are what I personally want.
But like I always say FFXI kept me very busy because I enjoyed the world/my character/the connections I've made. I probably did less than 100 quests. And if I'm honest I probably did less than 50. But the timesink-y things like low drop rates, and having to find a static/optimal group, and Genkai, really made the world seemed bigger by attrition...which was fine at the time. Plus the quests I did do, I remember.
With the WoW style of quests, you do so many and so many similar types of quests that it can be just as boring as grinding with a group.
But although I liked limit breaks and other things like that, in their original form, they were deal breakers for some. But the FFXI devs did learn, and over time made them a bit easier, and I'm hoping that ARR incorporates, longer, more meaningful quest chains, that may or may not impede progression. And to have some things be soloable and some things not.
And this is what GW2 hinted at, variable/memorable quests, but the teamwork and depth wasn't really there.
I guess, personally I'd rather see more horizontal content, more varied solo content, rather than hitting the cap and just dungeon after dungeon and PvP. I want to continue leveling and playing my game and participating in meaningful quests. A Final-less Fantasy.