DanteAlighieri wrote:
swisa wrote:
monkyzway wrote:
Sooo...most games you go out and buy stuff like weapons or gear with your in game money...
In FFXIV:ARR I only spend my gil on teleports. I havent bought any armor yet as I have several sets from various quests offering similar items.
I have yet to even try the market board. Been playing since beta >early access> launch. anyone else have this experience?
I'm on a legacy server. I'm sitting on 4.2 mil gil and I feel poor. Maybe it's just me being a cheap skate, but I cringe every time I have to spend 300 gil on teleporting. I was hoping they would give more gil for doing levequests, but Unfortunately, the only ones I've seen only give around 200 gil each. There's so many things that require gil, you can spend it all if you aren't paying attention. I suggest getting a gathering job and start selling that stuff on the wards or keep it for your own craft, b/c you'll be needing as much gil as possible when you look to getting the best gear at lvl 50. Think the best crafted piece of gear with as many materia attached as possible. I'm already looking at 50k prices for gear just for basic lvl 50 botany gear. This is for only 1 piece. There are still 4 other body parts not including my accessories. Ugh... I need more gilz.
This right here is why I'm jumping ship the moment transfers are possible. The legacy servers are going to have the most messed up economies and I didn't play 1.0 long enough to store up millions of gil. I knew I'd be screwed if I kept my old progress but I put a lot of effort in armorer and just didn't want to lose it.
Completely disagree with this view of legacy servers. Price is dictated by supply and demand so on legacy servers with substantial supply and limited demand low level gear items will be massively cheaper than on newer servers. I have already observed this. I have an "all 50's" character on Masamune and a new character on Ultros. Prices on ultros for level 20-30 gear is about 5 times higher than on Masamune. There are so few crafters high enough to make the gear so those that are there are profit gauging.
It is likely prices later (at endgame) for very high level items might be higher on legacy because there is sufficient cash to support the prices but until that point, it is far cheaper to live on a legacy server than a new one.
Added to which crafters on legacy servers (like me) have been kitting out new players with masses of free +1 gear. I reckon I have crafted and given away at least 50 items since start of beta 4. I don't need their money - I have plenty already and I am by no stretch of the imagination as rich as many on my server.